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Android music to itunes

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DefaultAndroid music to itunes
Is it possible to transfer my music from HTC Desire HD android phone to an iPad 4?

Also how do I download music to my iPad

I'm new to the iPad world,,,,,,,,,,,help............

nurselinpig is offline ?

Source: http://androidforums.com/android-lounge/669889-android-music-itunes.html

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Moving site to the Windows Azure Web Sites

It was a year and half when last time I updated my web site. Sadly this is just one project I have where I can have some experience with web development. And because I really missed it, so I've put three things on my agenda:

  • Move domain from ru to com, so now my site is available on http://outcoldman.com.
  • Add support for mobile devices and make some minor changes.
  • Move site from masterhost to orcsweb. I have both of them for free, but second one gives better conditions, like more storage and better network bandwidth. And I like orcsweb, because these guys update their servers on next days after new .NET Framework ships.

But how you can understand from the topic I failed last task. Because orcsweb sets medium trust for shared sites ? this is a huge pain for developers. For example I met problems with using AntiXSS.

Windows Azure Web Sites

Azure Web Sites is still in preview. Azure gives you up to 10 Shared Web Instances for free. But if you want to use custom domains you need move instance to Paid Shared Instance Model, which will cost you about 10-15$ per month. I'm not sure about this, I still cannot understand how this will work if my instance will use CPU only for 1 minute in an hour. I will need to pay for whole hour or just for one minute?

Couple days ago also I saw an information that Web Sites now support .NET Framework 4.5. And this was the latest argument for Web Sites instead of orcsweb. Particularly I dreamed also about to try cloud.

I don't want to tell you how it was easy for me to create a Web Site Instance in Azure. Azure portal has really good documentation and a lot of videos about how to do this. I just want to say ? try it. If you don't have an account in Azure ? you can try free trial, which will ask you about credit card, but don't worry. You can set limit to 0$, so you will not need to worry about what will be when trial period will come to end or what if you will use more resources than Azure gives you for free. Each free shared web instance on Web Sites has domain name like x.azurewebsites.net, so it is very easy to use them to try something or show your project to world.

And this is really cool that you don't need to think a lot about settings. I just downloaded Publish Profile, which I imported to the ASP.NET MVC 4 project in Visual Studio (right click on project in solution explorer and choose Publish?). And that is it.

Mobile Devices support

I thought that this requires a huge amount of work. Because I remembered from ASP.NET ? you need to render your pages on server for mobile devices in special way if you want to support them. I was so surprised when I found that to do this you just need to add two things. Set viewport for mobile devices:


And set special css classes for case when width is less than some defined value:


The easiest way is to take a look how ASP.NET MVC 4.0 defines its classes for mobile devices. This is really good example.

Moving domain

At first I specified for both of my domains that they should redirect to azure web site instance. After this I set two special rules for Url Rewriter in web.config. Url Rewriter is installed on Web Sites by default.

After this I found that it is really easy to change domain in Google Web Master and Google Analytics services. As I understand to do the moving right ? I will need also to find main referral pages in internet (Google Analytics can help me to do this) and change links on it (or ask owners to change them). And after this I can say good bye to my old domain.

What is next?

As I said I really missed web-development. So I have some plans to continue improving my web site. At first I want to refactor couple places in source code and publish it to GitHub. When I tried some new features, like Entity Framework and SQL Server CE I didn't try to do it well, I just tried it. And when I saw that it works ? I published it with thoughts that I will refactor this code in future. Very common situation, right?

One thing which I still cannot understand ? is how to analyzer log files from 0:/LogFiles/http/RawLogs/*.log. They have next format:

# date time s-sitename cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query s-port cs-username c-ip cs-host sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status sc-bytes cs-bytes time-taken

The best option which I found is to import them to excel.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/outcoldman_en/~3/94nL_KmEXKs/325

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Cosmic Religions for Space Colonization

I recommend watching the one-hour film Knocking on Heaven?s Door, by George Carey, aired by the BBC in 2011, to all space enthusiasts interested in the history of the Russian space program and our future out there in the universe. The film zeroes in on the powerful role that religion can play in advancing radical scientific visions.


Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, the father of the Russian space program, was a brilliant scientist and engineer, but his motivation and drive came from his philosophical convictions, his belief in humanity?s destiny to leave the Earth and colonize the universe, and his vision of a deep unity between man and the cosmos.

The real protagonist of Carey?s film is Tsiolkovsky?s mentor, Nikolai Fedorov, who taught that science would make us immortal. The film shows how the Russian space program was strongly inspired by Cosmist philosophers and mystics, who believed that we should evolve into super-humans who could leave our overcrowded planet to colonize the universe. I recently talked to Carey about this film and related projects ? he said that he researched Cosmism as a neutral observer who reports what he finds, but I think the film shows that he liked what he found.

Some reprehensible pirates tell me that Carey?s Knocking on Heaven?s Door is easy to find on the Torrent networks. There is also a streaming version on Vimeo.

Fedorov suggested that science was a tool given to us by God to enable us to resurrect the dead and, as promised, enjoy immortal life. He added that because the Earth could not sustain a population that never died, we must first learn to conquer space. His ideas about human evolution, and in particular the idea that humans should take control of the process and direct it towards their own goals, inspired generations of Russian scientists and led directly to contemporary transhumanism. See also this interesting review and discussion?of Fedorov?s ideas on Charlie Stross? blog.

Carey?s film captures the popular enthusiasm for space in the Soviet Union of the 60s. We had the same enthusiasm in the West at the time, and God knows we could use it now, all over the planet. I think contemporary versions of Cosmist philosophy could renew our enthusiasm and drive for space.

One problem is that Cosmism not only sounds like religion, but was actually a spinoff of Russian Orthodox Christianity. This may upset those space enthusiasts who are also militant atheists but, as recently noted by Charlie Jane Anders on io9, smug atheists should read more science fiction. ?A lot of the best science fiction is intensely ?cosmic,? conveying just how huge and unknowable the universe is, and how little we still understand it,? says Anders. ?In a sense, the huge cosmic imagery of science fiction resembles some of the best religious paintings.?

I think atheists are right when they point an accusing finger to the many evil things done by organized religions. But I believe that evil does not come from the honest, heartfelt faith of believers, who have the right to pursue happiness, and are often nice and compassionate persons. Evil, in religion like everywhere else, comes from evil persons with power over others.

Cosmism is not religion in a conventional sense, but highly imaginative science. Richard Dawkins (yes, Dawkins, the leading atheist thinker) thinks that it?s highly plausible that in the universe there are God-like creatures. In The God Delusion, he writes: ?Whether we ever get to know them or not, there are very probably alien civilizations that are superhuman, to the point of being god-like in ways that exceed anything a theologian could possibly imagine.?

In total agreement with Dawkins, I am persuaded that ?future magic? technologies will permit achieving, by scientific means, most of the promises of religions ? and many amazing things that no human religion ever dreamed. If there are God-like beings in the universe, I think we should go and meet them out there, and try to become God-like beings ourselves.

Sociologist William Sims Bainbridge, NSF program manager and editor of the first NBIC Converging Technologies report, thinks that religion of a certain kind was instrumental in the rise of science and modern technology, and that religion of a certain kind will be instrumental in our expansion to the stars. In a 2009 paper on Religion for a Galactic Civilization, he writes:

?Progress in spaceflight technology has halted at a level that is insufficient for colonization of the solar system, let alone for voyages to the stars? We need a new definition of spaceflight that will energize investment and innovation. I suggest a return to the traditional view: The heavens are a sacred realm, that we should enter in order to transcend death.?

?To become fully interplanetary, let alone interstellar, our society would need another leap?and it needs that leap very soon before world culture ossifies into secure uniformity, or decays into absolute chaos. We need a new spaceflight social movement capable of giving a sense of transcendent purpose to dominant sectors of the society.

?Religion will continue to influence the course of progress, and creation of a galactic civilization may depend upon the emergence of a galactic religion capable of motivating society for the centuries required to accomplish that great project. This religion would be a very demanding social movement, and will require extreme discipline from its members, so for purposes of this essay I will call it The Cosmic Order.

?It is wrong to feel that irrational religion must always be a hindrance to progress. I have suggested that only a transcendent, impractical, radical religion can take us to the stars. The alternative is one or another form of ugly death. A successful outcome depends on a kind of lucky insanity, and it is quite unlikely. But for our species, at least it is still possible.?

In my article Uploaded e-crews for interstellar missions on KurzweilAI, republished by io9 as Why we should send uploaded astronauts on interstellar missions, I propose a strategy for cost-effective interstellar missions: to do without the wetware bodies of the crew, and send only their minds to the stars, their software, uploaded to advanced ?computronium? circuitry in miniature starships. This will be a step in the right direction, because it seems likely that biological intelligence is only a transitory phenomenon, and advanced civilizations among the stars are probably post-biological in nature.

Bainbridge agrees. At a space policy symposium in 2001, he said that the gradual merging of human beings with their computers over the next century gives rise to the prospect of interstellar immortality. Then he teamed up with polymath genius Martine Rothblatt, a very successful space and biotechnology entrepreneur and a relentless advocate of the rights of transgendered persons, to develop the Bainbridge-Rothblatt ?mindfile? approach to mind uploading.

?A mindfile is the sum of saved digital reflections about you,? says Martine Rothblatt. ?All of the stored emails, chats, texts, IMs and blogs that you write are part of your mindfile. All of the uploaded photos, slide shows and movies that involve you are part of your mindfile. Your search histories, clicked selections and online purchases, if saved, are part of your mindfile. Your digital life is your mindfile.? Rothblatt believes that?future AI technology will be able to merge the information stored in the mindfile with ?human firmware,? a generic model of a human mind, and bring you back to life.

Rothblatt?s LifeNaut and CyBeRev websites offer a growing array of services for the creation and storage of mindfiles, based on Bainbridge?s research on personality capture. I have strong reservations on the practical possibility to capture enough of a personality with today?s slow interfaces, but future brain scanning and BCI technologies will permit a much faster capture of memories, thoughts and feelings, and I can imagine how future AI technology may be able to patch incomplete information.

Rothblatt founded Terasem, a scientific religion strongly reminiscent of Fedorov?s Cosmism and Bainbridge?s Cosmic Order, to advance space colonization and ?soft uploading? via mindfiles. One of the services of Terasem is beaming mindfiles to space in the hope that advanced civilizations, Dawkins? God-like super aliens, may one day decode them and bring them back to life, much like a police sketch artist creates a realistic photo from a few clues. The same technology will be used by our descendants to beam uploaded astronauts to stellar colonies and starships.

Source: http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/more/prisco20121230

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NVIDIA TegraZone Comes to Windows RT, Brings Tegra 3 ...

by Maximum PC | December 29, 2012


Previous Maximum PC Articles

After Android success, NVIDIA now hopes its TegraZone app will make a splash on Windows RT

Having its Tegra 3 SoC chosen for two platform-defining tablets, the Google Nexus 7 and the?Microsoft Surface RT, has got to be one of the highlights of?NVIDIA?s year. However, the company is not content merely with design wins. This is evident from its?TegraZone?initiative, a one-stop shop for Tegra-optimized games and outright exclusives. Till now restricted to Android, the?TegraZone app is now available for the two-month-old Windows RT.

This should not come as a surprise to anyone, as back at the time of the Surface RT?s launch in October NVIDIA had announced that it would ?extend its popular TegraZone application to Windows RT to make it easy for gamers to identify the most compelling games for Tegra-powered Windows RT devices.?

Available now from the Windows Store, the Windows RT TegraZone app currently offers Tegra 3-optimized versions of Judge Dredd vs Zombies, Pinball FX 2, Reckless Racing Ultimate, Riptide GP, Soulcraft, Space Ark, Sprinkle and Vendetta Online. According to NVIDIA, the TegraZone versions of these games contain a number of enhancements over the ones available from the Windows, including realistic physics, dynamic lighting and particle effects.

?NVIDIA offers one of the largest developer relations teams in the world ? a dedicated support team of over 100 employees to help Windows RT and Android developers create games that take advantage of the ultra-efficient power of the quad-core Tegra 3 processor,? the company wrote in a blog post announcing the TegraZone Windows RT app.

?With over 6 million downloads for Android devices, TegraZone is primed to make a splash on Windows RT.?

Original Post?by Pulkit Chandna, Reposted Courtesy of Maximum PC ? Covering everything from hi-end gaming PCs to tablets,?peripherals?and?home?theater?rigs, Maximum PC?s?print?and Web editions stay one step ahead of the fast-changing world of everything computer and?computing?related. Whether its the latest on building your own?desktop?system, reviews of the?latest?laptops?and?accessories, orroundups?of the games and?software?that make your machine go, Maximum PC brings it to you with?news, reviews, and years of expertise. TechnoBuffalo is?thrilled to bring you the best of Maximum PC right here on our own pages to keep you immersed in all things digital.

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Source: http://www.technobuffalo.com/2012/12/29/nvidia-tegrazone-comes-to-windows-rt-brings-tegra-3-optimized-gaming-goodness/

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রবিবার, ৩০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Broncos get top seed in AFC

Thanks to Houston's late-season slump, Denver and New England will have byes when the AFC playoffs begin next week.

The Texans fell from first to third in the conference Sunday when they lost 28-16 at Indianapolis, which welcomed back coach Chuck Pagano after nearly three months of treatments for leukemia.

AFC West champion Denver won its 11th straight game, 38-3 over Kansas City to secure the top seed. New England blanked Miami 28-0 for the second spot.

Minnesota edged Green Bay 37-34 to grab the final NFC wild card, sinking the Packers to the third seed. Those teams will meet again next week at Lambeau Field.

The other NFC matchup will have Seattle (11-5), which beat St. Louis 20-13, at either Washington or Dallas. Those teams met Sunday night for the NFC East crown.

Cincinnati (10-6) will be at Houston and Indianapolis (11-5) at Baltimore (10-6) in the AFC wild-card rounds.

Peyton Manning threw for three touchdowns as Denver (13-3) routed the Chiefs. New England (12-4) got the second seed despite having the same record as Houston because it beat the Texans, who lost three of their final four games.

Adrian Peterson had 199 yards against the Packers, finishing with 2,097 ? Dickerson's single-season rushing mark in 2,105. But it was rookie kicker Blair Walsh who won it with a 29-yard field goal as time expired.

"''Ultimately we got the 'W,'" Peterson said.

Baltimore Pro Bowl safety Ed Reed is looking forward to a reunion with Pagano. He wishes it would come a little later in the postseason.

"Chuck's like a dad to me," Reed said "He means a lot to me. I would have much rather seen them in the AFC championship game than the first game."

But Reed will see him next week at Baltimore.

The Ravens had a chance to move up to the AFC's third seed with a win and a New England loss. But Baltimore lost at Cincinnati as both teams played backups for much of the game.

Pagano coached the Ravens' secondary for three seasons and was promoted to coordinator last year. Players and coaches in Baltimore have kept in touch, offering encouragement as he fought through the cancer treatments.

"Going back to Baltimore, obviously there's some familiarity there," Pagano said. "We had four great years there as a family. It's a top-notch organization, you know, really good football club. It's a great challenge and they have a great team and they have great players all over the place."

The Colts were 2-14 last season and chose quarterback Andrew Luck with the top selection in the draft. Luck and offensive coordinator Bruce Arians, who stepped in as interim coach with Pagano sidelined, led the turnaround.

Next week, Pagano goes up against former boss John Harbaugh.

"I love his family, and he's one of my closest personal friends in coaching," Harbaugh said. "What he's been through is phenomenal, but we're all competitors so that gets set aside."

The defending Super Bowl champion Giants are out of contention. When Chicago beat Detroit 26-24, the Giants (9-7) were eliminated, even though they routed Philadelphia 42-7.

"It hurts," said Eli Manning. "Each year you want to make the playoffs to give yourself an opportunity to win a championship; 9-7 last year was good enough. It wasn't good enough this year and we knew it wouldn't be."

Minnesota's win eliminated Chicago, which the Vikings swept this season.


Online: http://pro32.ap.org/poll and http://twitter.com/AP_NFL

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/broncos-top-seed-afc-013853200--nfl.html

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American University vs. Kansas: Game time, TV schedule and more

American University will attempt to end a three-game losing streak on Saturday night when the team travels to Kansas to challenge the Jayhawks.

American University will attempt to end a three-game losing streak when the team travels to Kansas to challenge the Jayhawks on Saturday night.

Currently possessing a 4-8 overall record, American has lost seven of their last nine games and has amassed a 2-6 record on the road this season. The team has been inactive since challenging Georgetown last Saturday. American lost the game by a final score of 65-48.

Kansas will be entering Saturday night's game in the midst of a nine-game winning streak and has assembled a 6-0 record at home. Boasting a 10-1 overall record this season, the game will mark the first of a three-game home stand for the Jayhawks. The team has been inactive since last Saturday when they defeated Ohio State by a final score of 74-66.

Saturday night's game is tentatively scheduled to begin at 8 p.m., ET. The game will be televised on ESPN Full Court, as well as streamed on the service's website.

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Source: http://dc.sbnation.com/2012/12/29/3811782/american-university-kansas-game-time-tv-schedule-preview

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শনিবার, ২৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Social networking for Business ? It's Time for it to Stop Hiding you ...

WHY Web 2 . 0?

We are all aware that Social networking sites are actually great in relation to connecting people, conversations, building relationships as well as networking. Social media marketing for business is really about?reducing risk?by calling like-minded peers, creating content and persuasion.? How come is Advertising and marketing for business crucial?

Because 9 outside of 10 people use Social Technology. Because many Global Internet Population visit Internet sites.Because Social Media is BIG TIME.

These are few explanations why people care of Online community. ?An organization really should have a name in Social networking as it is other strategy to promote their business like on Facebook you can create a devotee page in your business and promote it to the people with the same interests.

Why you need to have a very Facebook fan page? You could have hundreds and thousands of fans which will such as your page.? However, you should put very informative and interesting information and updates of this business on the fan page.? The competition and customers are already there. ?You ought to give your fan page an authentic flare.? Having a fan page does not cost anything and possess the benefits and advantages in your business.

Well, web 2 . 0 for business is far more than that.

Social media enables people to interact and share information online. It is really about catalyzing moments of serendipity, creating trust, sharing useful content with your visitors, audience and friends.? You can even put your very own notes on the Facebook page.

Twitter is definitely the other site for social websites this means you will be linked with other myspace, blogs and websites.? You possibly can post 140 characters for your tweets and that means you need to have to share very fascinating information of one?s business so people will get attracted. It is possible to follow other users and un-follow individuals who are not following back and promote your website. Also, users can basically report their updates and status to friends. You?ll be able to customize your twitter page like building a colorful background, uploading photos and set a design on the page. Twitter only asks one question like ?What is happening?? and you could send it via web, mobile texting and instant message. Twitter is critical for businesses given that they can advertise something in an easy way.

Users must keep their updates, tweets and message time to time because there are most people online. On Twitter, there?s no need to deliver friend requests however you donrrrt follower of the user that benefits you. You can look niche, small business owners and folks to the search bar from the Twitter page. If you know ways to still do it you may use Twitter message to directly send to users and followers about your products and blogs.

Therefore, Advertising and marketing for business is really about engaging, connecting, listening and being social.

Source: http://www.coolyourmyspace.com/social-media/social-networking-for-business-its-time-for-it-to-stop-hiding-you-need-to-to-get-more-social.html

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5 Simple Health Tests You Can Perform at Home - Build Muscle and ...

Home Health Tests

Home Health Girl

Not every cough and sniffle calls for a visit to the doctor?s office, nor does every scrape and burn necessitate an expensive trip to the emergency room. In most cases you can tell if a home remedy will do the trick or if professional medical care is advisable, but you will certainly have occasions where you?re just not sure if the symptoms will pass or if you need professional help.

Many people would probably appreciate having ways to determine their relative state of health between annual physicals or check-ups in order to see if they need additional care or alternately, if their efforts to improve health and fitness are paying off. So here are just a few simple health tests that you can perform on your own at home to check yourself out.

  1. Temperature

    Fevers are indicative of an infection, or rather, they are the result of your body fighting an infection. In most cases there is no cause for concern. Although a fever will make you feel pretty awful, the majority are low-grade and break within a matter of hours or just a couple of days.

    However, there may be extreme scenarios in which you require hospitalization with a fever, such as an unusually high temperature (103 degrees Fahrenheit or greater), an extended fever (lasting longer than a week), or accompanying symptoms like excessive vomiting (leading to dangerous dehydration), chest or abdominal pain, confusion or hallucinations, or any other symptoms that seem serious. Taking your temperature with an inexpensive home thermometer can give you a quick gauge of the severity of a fever.

  2. Pulse

    Studies show that your resting heart rate can offer you an early warning of your risk for heart attack. The average adult heart should beat about 60 times per minute. This rate indicates optimum health and extremely low risk for heart attack. But once your pulse gets over about 75 beats per minute your risk for heart attack rises significantly.

    Luckily, testing your resting heart rate is easy. All you have to do is sit and relax for a few minutes and then take your pulse (at your wrist or throat). If the number is high, it may be time to talk to your doctor.

  3. Blood pressure

    High or low blood pressure can be to blame for a number of symptoms that range from annoying to potentially deadly. Those on the low end of the spectrum may experience fatigue, dizziness, and fainting, while high blood pressure can be to blame for headaches and even strokes. But if you purchase a blood pressure cuff and learn how to read it (you can find them on Amazon for about ten bucks and there are tons of tutorials online that will show you how to use one), you can track your own blood pressure to determine if it might be playing a role in your symptoms.

  4. BMI

    Your body mass index is not exactly easy to calculate, but it?s certainly not rocket science. To start, measure your weight (in pounds) and height (in inches). Now divide you weight by your height squared. So if you are 60 inches tall (five feet) and you weigh a hundred pounds, for example, your equation would be 100/60?60, or 100/3600, resulting in an answer of 0.028. You will then multiply this number by 703 (called the conversion factor), which will result in your body mass index (in this case about 19.7).

    So what does this number mean? In general, you want the number to fall in the 18.5 to 25 range as this is considered to be the healthiest weight for your height. If your calculation comes out below 18.5 or above 25, you could be at an unhealthy weight (although you may want to talk to your doctor for further information).

    (Note from the editor: this post is essentially a guest post. Project Swole does not support BMI in the slightest. BMI is a joke and does not reflect a measure of healthiness in anyone who has more muscle mass than the average person. Instead, you want to use body fat percentage to determine how much fat you are holding on your body with respect to non-fat tissue. This can be calculated using either calipers or an electronic hand-held tool.

  5. Pregnancy

    Granted, this type of home health test only applies to about half of the population, but as test kits at home go, this one is pretty popular. Although you will probably want to go to the doctor eventually if your test is positive, a negative result could save you an unnecessary trip.

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About Project Swole - Project Swole is managed and mostly written by Steve, a formerly IFPA and ISSA certified personal trainer and sport nutritionist, who has been studying, practicing, and experimenting with fitness and nutrition since 1992. Please use the content at Project Swole to supplement the advice of your doctor or physician. All medical questions should be directed towards a qualified medical professional, and the advice provided at Project Swole should be used at your own discretion.

Here are some humorous links:

Tags: blood pressure, BMI, health, healthy, home, test

Source: http://www.projectswole.com/healthy-lifestyle/5-simple-health-tests-you-can-perform-at-home/

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Storm blows through East; 135K without power in Arkansas

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) ? A muted version of a winter storm that has killed more than a dozen people across the eastern half of the country plodded across the Northeast on Thursday, trapping airliners in snow or mud and frustrating travelers still trying to return home after Christmas.

The storm, which was blamed for at least 16 deaths farther south and west, brought plenty of wind, rain and snow to the Northeast when it blew in Wednesday night. Lights generally remained on and cars mostly stayed on the road, unlike many harder-hit places including Arkansas, where 200,000 homes and businesses lost power.

By afternoon, the precipitation had stopped in parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Massachusetts, though snow continued to fall in upstate New York and northern New England. Parts of snow-savvy New Hampshire expected as much as 18 inches.

The Northeast's heaviest snowfall was in northern Pennsylvania, upstate New York and inland sections of several New England states. The storm was expected to head into Canada on Friday, National Weather Service spokesman David Roth said.

While the East Coast's largest cities ? New York, Philadelphia and Boston ? saw mostly high winds and cold rain, other areas experienced a messy mix of rain and snow that slowed commuters and those still heading home from holiday trips. Some inbound flights were delayed in Philadelphia and New York's LaGuardia Airport, but the weather wasn't leading to delays at other major East Coast airports.

Forty-two students traveling to London and Dublin were stuck in the Nashville airport thanks to weather in the Northeast. The frustrated students, from universities in Tennessee and Kentucky, were supposed to leave Wednesday and arrive in London on Thursday.

Joe Woolley, spokesman for the Cooperative Center for Study Abroad, said he hopes he can get them there just one day late.

"It's a two-week program, so it's shortened already," he said.

On New York's Long Island, a Southwest Airlines jet bound for Tampa, Fla., veered off a taxiway and got stuck in mud Thursday morning. Officials said there were no injuries to the 129 passengers and five crew members. Though the area received heavy rain overnight, Southwest spokesman Paul Flanigan said it was unclear whether that played a role.

In Pittsburgh, a flight that landed safely during the storm Wednesday night got stuck in several inches of snow on the tarmac for about two hours. The American Airlines flight arrived between 8 and 9 p.m. but then ran over a snow patch and got stuck.

Earlier, the storm system spawned tornadoes on Christmas along the Gulf Coast, startling people like Bob and Sherry Sims of Mobile, Ala., who had just finished dinner.

"We heard that very distinct sound, like a freight train," said Bob Sims, who lost electricity but was grateful that he fared better than neighbors whose roofs were peeled away and porches smashed by falling trees.

In Georgiana, Ala., an 81-year-old man died Wednesday, a day after a tree fell on his home, emergency officials said.

Deaths from wind-toppled trees also were reported in Texas and Louisiana, but car crashes caused most of the fatalities. Two people were killed in Kentucky crashes, a New York man was killed after his pickup truck skidded on an icy road in northwest Pennsylvania and an Ohio teenager died after losing control of her car and smashing into an oncoming snowplow.

In Arkansas, where two people died in a head-on collision, some of those who lost electricity could be without it for as long as a week because of snapped poles and wires after ice and 10 inches of snow coated power lines, said the state's largest utility, Entergy Arkansas. By Thursday evening, power to thousands of customers had been restored, but more than 135,000 homes and businesses remained in the dark, Entergy said.

Farther east, the storm knocked out power to more than 7,000 homes and businesses in Maryland. In New Jersey, gusts of more than 70 mph were recorded along the coast, and the weather service issued a flood warning for some coastal areas. There were about 800 power outages in Vermont, but only a handful in neighboring New Hampshire.

Schools on break and workers taking holiday vacations meant that many people could avoid messy commutes, but those who had to travel were urged to avoid it.


Contributing to this report were Associated Press writers Jennifer Peltz in New York; Jim Van Anglen in Mobile, Ala.; Kelly P. Kissel in Little Rock, Ark.; Travis Loller in Nashville; Ben Nuckols in Washington; Dave Porter in Newark, N.J.; Dave Gram in Montpelier, Vt.; and Janet McMillan in Philadelphia.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/storm-blows-east-135k-dark-arkansas-040202991.html

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Self Improvement Techniques: A Guide To A Better Life - Health Care

Most people wish they had a slightly different life. For some, the shows itself in their personal life whereas with others, they prefer to concentrate on improving their professional careers. Anyone intrigued by the idea of self improvement will find the insights of this article quite useful.

Come up with a little pep talk for yourself. Write a list of each of your good points and attributes on an index card. Take it with you everywhere you go, and go over each quality when you feel the need. Another great idea is to recite the list while filming yourself, so that you can view the footage regularly. Is there a benefit?

Speaking to a therapist or religious official can really help you out. Not only have they been trained to deal in personal growth, their experience in these issues is what makes them a good choice to speak with. They?ll eagerly listen, analyze what?s going on and help you find enlightenment. Talking these issues through with someone who is a professional will help you be healthier and happier in the long term.

Understand that there is a divide between where you are and where you wish to go. This is the best way to be able to set a course of direction to get there. If you do not know this, you are not ready to begin personal development.

Read literature that is focused on self improvement. A good book can provide you with the information that you need to get started on your journey toward a new you. Pick out a book that has gotten good reviews because there are some books about self improvement that are not written very well.

When trying to achieve personal development, failures can dampen and hurt an individual?s ego and self esteem. Approach your failures as opportunities to learn. Failure helps you figure out what you are good at and what needs improvement. When you look at it that way, failure should inspire pride in your ability to discover a new piece in your puzzle.

To keep from saying something you may regret later, count from one to ten before speaking. This gives you time to get your emotions under control. Take a cleansing breath and focus on something positive. Picture yourself remaining calm and saying only what you will not regret.

If you hope to advance your state of knowledge regarding self improvement, it can help to show a little humility. As you acknowledge that you are small and insignificant in this universe, the more that you realize your lack of knowledge. Once you absorb this fact, you will have a desire for further knowledge and understanding.

Make the important aspects of your life the focus of how you live. You will have much more inner peace if you just choose to focus on things that matter to you.

For many, there is a vague feeling of discontentment and an urge to facilitate change, but they lack the knowledge needed to begin. While a great result is only going to be achieved by you putting in the effort, here are some handy hints to get you on the road to success. Stay motivated by keeping these tips in mind at all times.

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Source: http://www.healthcarecenteradvice.com/2012/12/24/self-improvement-techniques-a-guide-to-a-better-life-2/

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Source: http://romeokolodz.posterous.com/self-improvement-techniques-a-guide-to-a-bett

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Source: http://moouofa.posterous.com/self-improvement-techniques-a-guide-to-a-bett

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Online Traffic Up This Holiday Season for Top Retailers. Is That ...

A study by Experian Marketing Services was brought to my attention this morning in a press release.

It shows a positive trend. It says that the traffic to the sites of the Top 500 retailers was up for the 2012 holiday season. Take a look.

Daily Retail Traffic Online

That?s good. But is it the right thing to concentrate on? As a retailer, traffic is nice but sales tell the story. A publisher can celebrate pure traffic because it implies more people see ads etc. Retailers however need sales. It?s that simple.

In 2013 are you concentrating on traffic to your site? Where does traffic rank on your list of most important metrics? How are you measuring conversions? Can you say that you really know what your online presence is generating for your business?

Tell us what you do because you are the ones in the trenches every day.

Source: http://www.marketingpilgrim.com/2012/12/online-traffic-up-this-holiday-season-for-top-retailers-is-that-enough.html

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Intelligentsia: Elevate Your Home Brew | iPhone.AppStorm

Are you looking to perfect your home coffee brewing technique? Intelligentsia, a coffee bar with locations in Chicago, Los Angeles and New York, seeks to elevate your coffee experience from bean to cup. These guys don?t just sell coffee, they develop blends working directly with growers and they perform the roasting. With the Intelligentsia Coffee app, you can geek out on coffee by checking out the beautifully illustrated brewing techniques, keeping up with the latest seasonal coffees offered and utilizing the brew timer for ultimate brewing precision.

This smart, sleek app also connects you with Intelligentsia via their twitter feed and maps of all locations (with hours). Share your favorite coffee blends from the app on Facebook and find impressions from other coffee lovers (or leave your own) in the coffee comments.

If you know what a Chemex is or carefully calibrate your coffee grinder for the perfect cup of French Press every morning, the Intelligentsia Coffee app was made for you. Did I mention it?s free?

Like the article? You should subscribe and follow us on twitter.

Getting Started

Open the app and you?ll the home screen is a list of current coffee offerings from Intelligentsia Coffee. In this view you can see the coffee name and its three most prominent flavors (for example: cranberry, fig, vanilla). Tap the button in the top right corner to apply filters to the list. This function allows you to narrow the list by country or flavor, amongst other attributes. Browsing the coffees is fun and all, but doesn?t serve much of a purpose since you can?t purchase them in the app (go to their brick-and-mortar coffee shops or their website).

Home screen on the left, filters on the right.

Home screen on the left, filters on the right.

Dig Deeper

Tap on the coffee to get more information in the form of concise notecards navigated by a swiping motion. The first card expands on the three prominent flavors and includes Intelligentsia quality labels regarding whether or not the coffee is Direct Trade and in Season. The second card shares facts such as bean varietal, date of harvest and country of origin.

Swipe through notecards for more info on the selected coffee.

Swipe through notecards for more info on the selected coffee.

The third and final card is a menu of options you can tap to select. Find out the long story behind that particular bean, view related photographs, share the coffee on Facebook or by email, view comments from others or add your own. I noticed the Video icon is dead for all the coffees, images can only be seen in landscape mode (the app is oriented in portrait mode) and there don?t seem to be any comments. The comment function is email based, and comes off clunky and dated for such a modern-looking app. It appears that users are ignoring it altogether.

A menu of options on the left. Tap on the photo option and the image loads in landscape orientation, as seen on the right.

A menu of options on the left. Tap on the photo option and the image loads in landscape orientation, as seen on the right.

The Best Part

Leave the home screen by tapping on another icon at the base of the screen, and you?ll discover the best part of Intelligentsia. A single tap on the Brewing icon takes you to a menu of brewing methods, from vintage Pourover to complicated Siphon Brewer to the approachable French press. Tap on a brewing method for a fully illustrated slideshow on the whole process. This is the meat of the app, complete with lists of all the equipment you?ll need and smart tips that the pros use. Up in the top right corner of the screen you?ll notice a button shaped like a timer with an arrow. Tap it and you?re given the option to set the brew timer. You can then return to the step-by-step guide exactly where you left off.

Scroll through the brewing methods and select one for illustrated step-by-step instructions.

Scroll through the brewing methods and select one for illustrated step-by-step instructions.

Brew Timer can always be accessed by tapping on its icon at the bottom of the screen. Select a brew method and the time is calculated for you. Leave the app to check your email or answer the phone, and the alert will still chime when your coffee is ready. Certain brewing methods, like the Siphon Brewer, require stirring at regular intervals. Set the timer and it will alert you with instructions on what step to perform. See? It?s more than just a timer ? it?s a smart timer!

Select a brewing method, like French Press, and the Brew Timer calculates the time, alerting you when the brew is ready or if additional steps are required.

Select a brewing method, like French Press, and the Brew Timer calculates the time, alerting you when the brew is ready or if additional steps are required.

The Catch-All Icon

The last icon is About, a random collection of stuff that looks like someone took the About page of a website and incorporated it into the app. Tap on an icon for more information. Only a couple of the icons are truly useful in this mobile setting: the compass and Twitter icon. Tap the compass to access a map of Intelligentsia Coffee locations and hours of operation. Swipe the screen to navigate to the next slide, a description of the shop and neighborhood. There is also the option to open Google Maps in the browser for directions based on your location, assuming you?re connected to the Internet. For the Intelligentsia twitter feed, tap the blue T and find the latest updated news.

The About page is a catch-all of icons, pictured left. Tap the compass for maps and directions to Intelligentsia Coffee shops, pictured right.

The About page is a catch-all of icons, pictured left. Tap the compass for maps and directions to Intelligentsia Coffee shops, pictured right.

The rest of the icons on the About page are for static information. The Intelligentsia logo of a winged coffee bean takes you to a long description of the company?s mission and history. In Season describes the label applied to coffee beans and what seasonality of coffee means. The black and white arrows symbol highlights the company focus on direct trade with growers. Tapping the red emblem brings up information on The Black Cat Project, a pursuit of the perfect espresso.


Intelligentsia Coffee is free, beautifully designed and rich in useful information. I give this app an 8/10, knocking it only because of the clunkiness when it comes to social interaction and sharing. The illustrated step-by-step brewing guides are the best part of this app. No matter how you like your coffee, Intelligentsia has a tip to improve your home brew. The Brew Timer is more than just a pretty face; it?s smart too, alerting you to steps at timed intervals. Even if you don?t live near an Intelligentsia Coffee shop or buy their beans online, this app will seduce you into loving their brand. What coffee lover wouldn?t appreciate a better brew?


Source: http://iphone.appstorm.net/reviews/lifestyle/intelligentsia-elevate-your-home-brew/

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Nokia Lumia 920?s fascinating Christmas sets stage for battle with BlackBerry 10

Nokia Lumia 920 SalesNokia Lumia 920

The Chinese version of Nokia?s (NOK) new flagship Windows Phone model recently debuted in Shanghai. According to pictures posted to Chinese websites, the Lumia 920T drew a big crowd? and sold out in two hours. So the debate over whether there is wide mass market demand for the model rages on.

[More from BGR: Microsoft Surface trampled at the bottom of the tablet pile this Christmas]

The very limited early supply makes it hard to gauge the demand in China. The Lumia 920 did hit Amazon China?s (AMZN) top-five list?a week ago, but sold out quickly and dropped out. There are now rumors about China Mobile planning to further subsidize the Lumia 920T in January, making it effectively free on contract. This would be China Mobile?s revenge on Apple (AAPL) for its refusal to cut a sweetheart deal with the giant carrier and its 700 million subscribers.

[More from BGR: Purported photo of new BlackBerry phone with QWERTY keyboard leaks]

Nokia may thus be close to landing the Chinese version of the role that Motorola played for Verizon (VZ) in 2010. Back then, the U.S. carrier used DROID models to flaunt the fact that it did not really need the iPhone as badly as many assumed.

China Mobile is now planning to show Apple it can turn even Windows Phones into mass-market hits in China with its marketing and subsidy machine. This could be great for Nokia ? if Apple isn?t forced into a cutting a quick deal in coming months. The iPhone?s ho-hum market share performance in markets like Latin America and Asia is piling pressure on Apple right about now.

In a fascinating U.S. twist, the Lumia 920?climbed the Amazon charts again over the past week as its supply has improved. The black variant of the Lumia 920 debuted in the top-three in November, dropped out of top-40 after Amazon?s delivery time stretched to two weeks? and has now staged a comeback to No.14. This makes it the second-biggest AT&T (T) phone on Amazon right now, with only the blue version of the Galaxy S III outperforming the 920.

The Lumia 822 is fizzling badly at Verizon, but Nokia just might be gaining a toehold at AT&T even after the pre-Christmas supply drama. It is now clear that the Lumia 920 is beating its biggest Windows rival, the HTC Windows Phone 8X, convincingly at AT&T.

This sets up a very interesting rivalry when AT&T debuts the new generation of BlackBerry 10 models sometime in February or March. The battle for the third mobile ecosystem at AT&T will be effectively waged by Nokia and RIM (RIMM) this spring. The loser may well find out that it does not have strong subsidy or marketing support in 2013.

AT&T has an incentive to build up a third rival for the Apple and Android ecosystems, but it has little reason to support both minor operating systems.

This article was originally published by BGR

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/nokia-lumia-920-fascinating-christmas-sets-stage-battle-155057742.html

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Worms turn metal into semiconductors

1 hr.

Worms are useful in the garden and great for fish bait, but one of their talents has remained hidden ? until now. Scientists have discovered that worms can manufacture tiny semiconductors. ?

At King's College in London, researchers fed an ordinary red worm, Lumbricus rubellus, soil laced with metals. The worm produced quantum dots, nano-sized semiconductors that are used in imaging, LED technologies and solar cells. The experiment was published in the Dec. 23 issue of the journal Nature Nanotechnology.

The worms created these electronic components because of their ability to detoxify their body tissue. When worms ingest the metals, proteins in their body shuttle these "toxins" to tissues called chloragogen cells that are similar to a liver in mammals. In the case of?cadmium, a molecule called?metallothionein attaches to it to take it away.?Through several chemical steps the worm separates the metals from the organic molecules they are attached to and stores them in tiny cavities its body, but not forever: eventually whatever toxic metals the worm eats are excreted.?

Squirmy semiconductor factories
In the experiment the scientists spiked soil with cadmium chloride and sodium tellurite (sodium, telluride and oxygen). The ability of worms to process cadmium is well known, but it wasn't clear what they would do with the tellurium in the sodium tellurite.

The worms ended up making tiny particles of cadmium telluride, a crystalline compound that is also a semiconductor. Those tiny particles ? called quantum dots ? were then taken out of the worms' tissue. The dots themselves are only nanometers across. [Twisted Physics: 7 Mind-Bending Findings]

In biological imaging, quantum dots are used in place of dyes because they can be "tuned" to glow at specific wavelengths. Cadmium telluride dots, for example, glow green when hit with blue light. The researchers tested the dots on animal cells and found they worked as well as the ones created in laboratories.

The success doesn't mean that thousands of worms are to be sacrificed for dot-making, said co-author Mark Green, a reader in nanotechnology at King's College.

"The interesting bit is that semiconductor quantum dots, which emit light, were made in a living animal," he told Livescience via email. "The aim of the work wasn?t to come up with a new synthetic process of making dots that are better than bench-synthesized materials, it was just to see if we could do solid-state chemistry in a living animal ? and it appears we can!"

A dotty idea
Green said the idea occurred to him several years back when he was an Oxford University post-doctoral researcher. He heard a lecturer note that animals use certain proteins to get rid of toxic metals such as cadmium. Green realized he was doing something similar to make cadmium telluride quantum dots in the lab, sans worms.

He wondered if some extra chemical might spur worms to make their own cadmium telluride quantum dots.

"The big problem," he said, "was that I didn't know enough biology, and I could see immediately that trying to get the dots out of an animal would be a problem."

So Green shelved the idea for a few years, until he met Stephen St?rzenbaum, the lead author of the paper. St?rzenbaum told Green that he knew exactly where cadmium given to worms went: to the detoxifying chloragogen cells. Since the cadmium ? and thus the nanoscale dots ? would end up there, it would be relatively easy to get them out of the worm.

So they tried it. It worked.

"We were very surprised, didn't really expect it to work that easily," Green said.

The quantum dots Green and his team made aren't quite the quality of the lab-bench versions. That may change, though. "We'd like to think we can play around with some of the chemistry and make them better," Green said.

Follow LiveScience on Twitter @livescience. We're also on Facebook?& Google+.?

Copyright 2012 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/futureoftech/worms-turn-metal-semiconductors-1C7753891

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৭ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

claudian herero: Ovarian Cervical Uterine Cancer - dadanape

Ovarian Cervical Uterine Cancer

Ovarian Cervical Uterine Cancer

Often called as a silent-killer, ovarian cervical uterine cancer claims a number of lives every year. This particular cancer is prevalent amongst females of all ages. People who have an ancestral history of this disease are at a higher risk. It is thus significant to be knowledgeable about the disease and the different degrees of its intensity.

Symptoms of ovarian cervical uterine cancer

Ovarian cervical uterine cancer symptoms are often misinterpreted as the indications for some other fatal diseases. However, a few of the general symptoms which become perceptible at the initial stages consist of abdominal uneasiness which is lead towards bloating. These intensify with time.

Moreover, there is a pattern of irregular urinary condition even though there is no infection. Digestion and nausea problem also encompass together with inflation and inexplicable pain in pelvic area.

Detection and determination

Screening is the top method for detecting this disease. The detection comprises of pelvic exam including the vagina check up as well as the uterus check up which is performed by a medical expert. The latest technology in the field of examining this condition includes an annual blood-test. Despite the rare detection in the inceptive phases, early diagnosis contributes towards the success percentage of the termination this cancer.

Treatment of ovarian cervical uterine cancer

Ones the certification of this particular cancer is done along with its dispersion all over the patient, the treatment is carried on via surgery to eliminate the malicious tissue. It depends on the grade of the cancer, though the complete elimination from the uterus as well as the ovaries is unavoidable. Post-surgery the radiotherapy gets into effect as it destroys the remaining cancer cells. Another option that is well accepted and is helpful is chemotherapy.

Like other organs of the body, there could be cancer in the cervix as well. It is considered to be the second most prone organ to develop cancer, the first being the breast cancer. The cervix cancer does not have a characteristic of developing quickly. It develops gradually it is only noticeable when a person goes for a physical or screening exam. There are a number of options for cervical cancer treatment.

Different options of cervical cancer treatment

The medical industry has multiple options for treating this category of cancer. Hysterectomy is the most accepted method where the uterus is removed through a surgery. The lymph nodes are also removed together with the uterus if it is observed that the cancer has reached an advanced stage. Women undergoing hysterectomy treatment loose their capability of giving birth to children.

Though there are a number of gentle ways for treating cervical cancer, keeping the maternal capabilities unharmed. For women who want to remain fertile have a number of options to choose for cervical cancer treatment. Loop electrosurgical excision or LEEP is an established process. There are a number of benefits of this kind of treatment, inexpensive, a high degree of success rate, no major surgeries required, and application of local anesthesia are a few to name.

Cone biopsy is another option for cervical cancer treatment. Another method is cone biopsy. The surgical procedure includes eliminating only the cone shaped samples out of the mucous membrane, followed by radiation therapy.

Trachelectomy, a treatment for those on who the Cone biopsy does not show positive results. In this kind of surgery only the effected area is treated, the veracity of the ovaries as well as the uterus is maintained. However, it can only be performed if the cancer has not spread to the other parts of the uterus. There are a very few surgeons who are specialized in performing such intricate and complicated process.

Author?s Bio:


Jeffrey Eugenides is an experienced medical practitioner who has been writing a lot of posts related to various medical advancements. You will also find his posts on cord blood banking to be very informative to you.

Ovarian Cervical Uterine Cancer ? Latest Technologies to Eliminate the Silent Killer

Source: http://globehealth.net/ovarian-cervical-uterine

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In this Nov. 9, 2011, photo manager Kathy Kelly-Long holds a jar of peanut butter which is in short supply at the Broad Street Presbyterian Church food pantry in Columbus, Ohio. Food banks around the country say rising peanut butter prices are making it harder for them to provide one of their most-requested items this [...]

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Not too long ago I had the pleasure of eating dinner at Fu Leen, the seafood restaurant in Manhattan?s Chinatown. Peter Liem organized a group of people to drink several special Sherries and to eat things like lightly steamed fresh shrimp, fried dungeness crab, steamed whole fish, and fried rice with salted fish. The wine [...]

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HTC One S global models finally gorging on Jelly Bean 4.1.1

HTC One S global models finally gorging on Jelly Bean 411

HTC One S owners are seeing the light at the end of the Jelly Bean tunnel, as Android 4.1.1 is now being pushed out to the global models. The company originally promised it way back in July, with rumblings about an October arrival as well, but up until now there's been no joy. HTC One X global owners started to see that Jelly Bean release last month, and we can confirm that it's now come to our very own HTC One S handset too, as the image above proves. XDA Developers also caught wind of a direct HTC link, which will finally bring the extra fluidity of Google's butter to the mid-range handset. There's no word yet about US carrier-flavored versions, but it wouldn't hurt to check your own handset, or XDA's CID list at the MC link below.

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Via: PocketNow

Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/qrBOdIcgsYM/

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At Christmas Eve Mass, pope urges space for God

VATICAN CITY (AP) ? Pope Benedict XVI marked Christmas Eve with Mass in St. Peter's Basilica and a pressing question: Will people find room in their hectic, technology-driven lives for children, the poor and God?

The pontiff also prayed that Israelis and Palestinians live in peace and freedom, and asked the faithful to pray for strife-torn Syria as well as Lebanon and Iraq.

The ceremony began at 10 p.m. local time Monday with the blare of trumpets, meant to symbolize Christian joy over the news of Christ's birth in Bethlehem. As midnight neared, chuch bells tolled throughout Rome, while inside the basilica, the sweet voices of the Vatican's boys' choir resounded joyously.

Christmas Eve Mass at the Vatican traditionally began at midnight, but the start time was moved up years ago so as to give the 85-year-old pontiff more time to rest before his Christmas Day speech. That address is to be delivered at midday Tuesday from the basilica's central balcony.

A smiling Benedict, dressed in gold-colored vestments, waved to photo-snapping pilgrims and applauding church-goers as he glided up the center aisle toward the ornate main altar of the cavernous basilica on a wheeled platform guided by white-gloved aides. The platform saves him energy.

In his homily, Benedict cited the Gospel account of Mary and Joseph finding no room at an inn and ending up in a stable which sheltered the baby Jesus. He urged people to reflect upon what they find time for in their busy, technology-driven lives.

"The great moral question of our attitude toward the homeless, toward refugees and migrants takes on a deeper dimension: Do we really have room for God when he seeks to enter under our roof? Do we have time and space for him?" the pope said.

"The faster we can move, the more efficient our time-saving appliances become, the less time we have. And God? The question of God never seems urgent," Benedict lamented.

The pope worried that "we are so 'full' of ourselves that there is no room left for God." He added, "that means there is no room for others either ? for children, for the poor, for the stranger."

With his voice a bit hoarse, and looking somewhat tired as the two-hour ceremony neared its end, Benedict decried that history has suffered through "misuse of religion," when belief in one God became a pretext for intolerance and violence. Still, he insisted that where God is "forgotten or even denied, there is no peace either."

"Let us pray that Israelis and Palestinians be able to live their lives in the peace of the one God and in freedom," the pope said.

Benedict also mentioned his hope for progress in Syria, which is mired in civil war, as well as Lebanon and Iraq.

Reflecting the Vatican's concern about the exodus of many fearful Christians from the Muslim-dominated Middle East, Benedict expressed hope that "Christians in those lands where our faith was born maybe be able to continue living there" and that Christians and Muslims "build up their countries side by side in God's peace."

Hours before the basilica Mass, Benedict lit a Christmas peace candle on the windowsill of his studio window overlooking St. Peter's Square.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/christmas-eve-mass-pope-urges-space-god-223825279.html

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Real Estate Email Marketing Terms: Making Sense of it All

Email Campaign Reporting - Real Estate Contact Management SoftwareOur last blog post was about how you can use the Email Campaign Reporting feature in your real estate contact management software to identify your hot leads.

We promised that today we would talk about what key email marketing terms mean, such as soft bounce, hard bounce, total message opens, unique message opens, and total click-throughs.

Hard Bounce: When the recipient?s server rejects the email, it?s classified as a hard bounce. If the email is rejected by the server, this is usually an indication that the email address is no longer valid. It?s important to delete all email addresses that have hard bounced from your real estate database.

Soft Bounce: A soft bounce means that the server rejected the email, but for a temporary reason, such as the recipient?s mailbox is currently full or the server is currently down.

?It?s important to delete all email addresses that have hard bounced from your real estate database.? [Tweet this]

Total Message Opens: Total message opens is the total amount of times your email was opened. Included in this number are people who opened the email multiple times. So if you sent an email to John and Mary and John opened the email five times and Mary once, your total message opens would be six.

Unique Message Opens: Unique message opens is the number of people who opened the email. So if John opened the email five times, it would only be counted once in the unique message opens number.

It?s important to keep in mind that open rate can sometimes be misleading. This is because with certain email clients, such as Outlook, someone can view an email in their preview pane but not technically ?open? it. If this is the case, it won?t be counted in your open rate.

Total Click-Throughs: The total number of times a link within an email has been clicked. If you click on the Link Analysis tab in your IXACT Contact Campaign Reporting dashboard, you?ll be able to see both total click-throughs and unique click-throughs.Real Estate Email Marketing Terms: Making Sense of it All

If you have any questions about any of the terms discussed in this article and you?re an IXACT Contact customer, feel free to call our Customer Support Team at 1-866-265-6990.

If you?re not an IXACT Contact customer but interested in learning more about our real estate contact management software and its powerful email marketing capabilities, call us today at 1-866-665-0018.

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Source: http://blog.ixactcontact.com/real-estate-email-marketing-terms-making-sense-of-it-all

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Chilean street dogs are protesters' best friends

FILE - In this June 10, 2012 file photo, a dog runs in the spray as riot police use water cannons against demonstrators during a protest against the premiere of a documentary about the late Gen. Augusto Pinochet in Santiago, Chile. As the protests become fixtures in this modernizing capital, normally unnoticed street dogs have become stars in their own right. (AP Photo/Luis Hidalgo, File)

FILE - In this June 10, 2012 file photo, a dog runs in the spray as riot police use water cannons against demonstrators during a protest against the premiere of a documentary about the late Gen. Augusto Pinochet in Santiago, Chile. As the protests become fixtures in this modernizing capital, normally unnoticed street dogs have become stars in their own right. (AP Photo/Luis Hidalgo, File)

FILE - In this Oct. 19, 2011 file photo, dogs bark as a hooded youth gets into position to throw a bottle filled with paint as he is sprayed by a police water cannon in Santiago, Chile. Free-roaming dogs number in the millions in Chile, creating a situation the nation's Humane Society calls alarming. (AP Photo/Aliosha Marquez, File)

FILE - In this July 14, 2011 file photo, a dog runs as police clash with student protesters in Santiago, Chile. Stray dogs are truly Man's Best Friend for thousands of students and workers who demonstrate and clash with police nearly every day to press demands for education improvements, redistribution of Chile's wealth and environmental protections. (AP Photo/Luis Hidalgo, File)

(AP) ? They don't have demands, but they're loyal to the cause and are always on the front lines of the fight. They run with protesters, lap up shots from water cannons, bark at police in riot gear and sometimes even bite officers.

Stray dogs are truly Man's Best Friend for thousands of students and workers who demonstrate and clash with police nearly every day to press demands for education improvements, redistribution of Chile's wealth and environmental protections. As the protests become fixtures in this modernizing capital, normally unnoticed street dogs have become stars in their own right, with the Facebook fan pages and fawning media coverage to prove it.

"Blacky," a mutt adopted by young protesters, has become the most visible mascot, with rival fan pages totaling more than 7,000 subscribers or "likes." Blacky's admirers constantly upload pictures of him, many showing the mutt with a checkered kaffiyeh around his neck symbolizing the Palestinian resistance movement, dodging tear gas or growling at baton-wielding officers.

"Dogs are super loyal. They stand with the people and I think they support the students," said Catalina Echenique, 17, who is planning to study psychiatry.

Free-roaming dogs number in the millions in Chile in a situation the nation's Humane Society has called alarming. Dog owners rarely spay or neuter their pets, and commonly leave them outside when they go to work in the morning. Many roam the streets all day.

Dogs lurk around the presidential palace, take naps in parks and always seem in search of a bite to eat or the next protest.

While strays are feared in countries such as India, where tens of millions of street dogs have a reputation for biting people and spreading rabies, Chileans often feed and take care of strays. Protesters, for one, are glad to have the dogs on their side of the fight.

Students have been hitting the streets for more than a year and a half demanding overhauls to a school system that's been privatized since the 1973-90 dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet. Protesters say families must struggle with underperforming public schools, expensive private universities and education loans at impossible interest rates.

Two military officers in impeccable white uniforms walked out of a subway station recently as two blackened mutts followed them ahead of a crowd of young protesters who booed and shouted insults.

More dogs followed the sounds of sirens ? and the promise of a water jet some blocks away. Police fired tear gas and the hounds ran to chew on the canisters. From a plume of smoke, Blacky dashed out, this time wearing an orange bandanna.

A mass of students and hooded members of anarchist groups loitering at nearby parks flooded into the streets for yet another confrontation.

Meanwhile, Echenique sat in a circle with other students, a stray napping next to them while they prepared to clash with police.

"With a good education we can generate conscience to protect animals," she said.

Despite the propensity of dog packs to join protesters, they're not at constant war with the police.

Just a few blocks from the recent confrontation, police and pooches appeared to be enjoying a peaceful timeout. One stray snoozed under the noon sun next to a traffic officer at a busy intersection, while another quietly napped in the shade cast by paintings propped on artist easels in Santiago's main square, the Plaza de Armas.

"I see the ritual everyday: police dogs patrolling the streets and strays watching over their territory," said Mario Guitierrez, a 52-year-old artist at the square who plans to make the protest dogs the subject of his next work.

"They meet, they stare, and it seems like the police dogs get scared. The street dogs are brave!"

Police officer Eduardo Basaez of the department's canine training unit strolled by with Lola, his 7-year-old German shepherd. They have both been part of street clashes, but Basaez said police dogs and horses are being used less these days to keep them safe.

"Dogs go to the protests because of a pack instinct. They play with the water jets, they're happy and don't know what's going on," Basaez said. "I'm a dog lover and I feel sorry for the street dogs. I live in an apartment but if I had a tract of land I would take them all home with me."


Luis Andres Henao on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LuisAndresHenao

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2012-12-24-Chile-Demo%20Dogs/id-2b4cdf5ec67b463e911d5029c5b3b676

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